Thursday, 3 March 2016

Picture of a teenager who shot his grandma, sister and nephew

A 16-year-old Nashville boy has been accused of shooting his 67-year-old grandmother, 12-year-old sister, and 6-year-old nephew Tuesday following an argument that arose because he did not want to get out of bed and go to school.

The trouble began when the teen was confronted by his mother and grandmother around 7 a.m. Tuesday morning for sleeping in too late, according to a statement released by the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. The teen, who reportedly became angry when the two women ordered him to get out of bed and get ready for school, allegedly made “threatening statements” before reaching for a handgun inside his closet and opening fire. His grandmother was shot twice, and both his sister and his nephew were grazed during the shooting. His mother remained unharmed during the encounter, and nobody in his family reportedly was aware that the teenager kept a gun in the home. The unnamed teen has been charged in juvenile court with four counts of attempted homicide and one count of reckless endangerment.

“A lot of these young people are growing up in broken families and broken homes and they’re doing all that they know to do because no one’s told them there’s a better way. There’s a right way to handling things and there’s a better way to resolve a problem,” neighbor Delnieca Baxter told WSMV-TV.

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